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Combating Isolation and Anxiety with Homestay Accommodation

Published Bernice on Thursday, February 22, 2024 11:12 AM

Combating Isolation and Anxiety with Homestay Accommodation

Leaving your home country and travelling overseas for studies or work is an exciting adventure, but it can also lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation. While exploring a new city and culture is thrilling, nothing quite compares to the comforts of home. This is where homestay accommodation through Hosts International can help.

Providing a home away from home

In a culture that may feel strange and unfamiliar, you can experience a warm, welcoming environment by staying with a local host family. Homestays allow international students to experience the day-to-day life of a new country from the inside, practise their language skills, try home cooked meals, and get to know the area with guidance from their hosts. Most importantly, host families can provide that human connection many students long for when studying abroad.

Making local connections

Making friends in a foreign country takes time. Luckily, homestay accommodation can offer the social interactions and support which are much-needed in the initial transition period. Daily conversations over breakfast or family dinners allow relationships to form naturally, and hosts can even introduce students to local contacts, activities and attractions. With hosts as guides, students will feel more confident in navigating their new surroundings.

Receiving support and stability

The mental health benefits of homestays are just as vital. Students receive emotional support to cope with culture shock and fight loneliness, and the stability and routine of family life creates comfort. Having a welcoming place to stay provides relief from daily stresses, as students (and their families back home) are safe in the knowledge that they are being looked after.


The excitement of new experiences abroad shouldn’t mean sacrificing care and connection. Hosts International removes the difficulties and loneliness from international study by providing every student with a home away from home to return to. Get in touch today to find your perfect homestay accommodation.

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